in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL GUYS, Feel Free to watch my vlog videos as an ofw here in macau,china
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Being an Overseas Filipino Worker is not easy and yet you accept all hardship of it to fulfill their dreams and to achieve success in life.  Just to have a better life for themselves and their dreamed for families as they can make far more money being an OFWs.  Working as OFWs does not always give full beneficial returns, some are lucky if you found a good employer to work with, but sometimes itâs not always a happy ending. Some even get high compensation jobs, some do not. OFWs are heroes in many ways such braved more sacrifices and conflicts in order to give their families a better life.