Hello and welcome to my YouTube channel for Nazlee's knitted dreams.
crochet patterns, tunisian crochet patterns, crochet amigurumi patterns, crochet baby blanket patterns, crochet blanket patterns, crochet shawl, scarf patterns, crochet placemats patterns, crochet shoes patterns, crochet table mats, crochet fish mat,crochet bed sheets, crochet beanie patterns, crochet skirt patterns, crochet headband patterns, crochet headband......
Aside from the ones I've highlighted, I teach the most popular crochet designs and trends on YouTube and other social media platforms. With my free step-by-step pattern lesson films for novices, I strive to teach.
MY GOAL: to make people fall in love with knitting and crochet, to provide a pastime place for you while also assisting you in relaxing.
"Knowledge is everywhere if the desire is to learn."