in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
I THANK FOR SUBSCRIBERS!! Va multumesc mult pentru faptul ca va abonati la acest canal! Pe viitor daca imi voi rezolva cu webcam-ul si as avea si timp, poate la un moment dat daca se vor strange si mai multi abonati, sa fac un live. Vom reveni si cu alte videoclipuri, stay tuned, numai atat sa invat sa editez, sa ofer content mai bun, sa vad daca ma voi descurca cu ceea ce trebuie sa ma descurc si succes in continuare cu creatiile voastre!!
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TAG ME/promote me on your instagram stories with this reel/video from my page (instagram: djrobyxro) and you will give one extended for free (you must to have minim 100 followers and to be a good person).
This extended: Ray Dalton x Apaztron & Soundmasterz - Do it Pirates (DJ RobyX Big Room Edit).
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RO: Salut, am creat un server de discord pentru inca o retea sociala disponibila legat de comunitatea DJ RobyX si pentru a pune ceva la punct acest proiect.
EN: Hi, I have created a discord server for yet another social network available related to the DJ RobyX community and to put something together for this project.
RU: Привет, я создал дискорд-сервер для другой социальной сети, связанной с сообществом DJ RobyX, и чтобы собрать что-то вместе для этого проекта.
Discord server by DJ RobyX (
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Thanks for 100 subscribers, if you want an extended at 2 songs which are into sell on here?
1. Tag djrobyxro to instagram with one of my video
2. Subscribe on my telegram: and I'll give you for free:
Carla's Dreams, Asher x PSPROJECT & RADIOTIK - Acele (DJ RobyX Mashup EXTENDED)
Ben Cristovao & Sara James x PSPROJECT & DJ Lion - Brighter Day (DJ RobyX Mashup EXTENDED)
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The link for my social media accounts, below(at links). I am DJ, gamer, mashup producer & more. DJ on Big FM, RFM 94.2, Eco FM, You FM && Radio Nova Mix
My country:Romania.
This DJ YT channel is for romanians but international at the songs.
PHOTO made by DJ Moonzim(he's a channel YT).
My YT Gaming: xRoby 85
EN: If you own the copyright at one video, don't forget to send and contact us at the email address with the evidence and we will delete the video as soon as possible. As the YouTube channel grows, we will try to put some things together for discord and more others.