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Jerma Stream Archive

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Jerma's stream archive, updated as soon as possible, at sour

Jerma Stream Archive
1 week ago - 148 likes

Hello everyone, Bacon here with the waiting room for the Seaman Re-stream. I spoke with Jerma and he mentioned that it's alright if the streams overlap, and insisted that I do this stream tomorrow on the 14th as he was planning on delaying. This is a long stream, but it's another classic. I hope you're ready for SEAMAN.

Jerma Stream Archive
1 week ago - 2.3K likes

Hey ya'll, Bacon here. With the success of the last Re-stream watch party, I'm proud to announce we'll be able to have more of these, starting with the next Re-stream party at the end of the week. We will be watching a highly requested stream, Seaman. Since it's a longer one, about 11 hours, I plan to start earlier in the day. The planned stream date is Friday June 14th at 11 AM PST. I will be setting up the waiting room the day before. If you have any questions feel free to DM me. I hope to see you all there!


Jerma Stream Archive
1 month ago - 132 likes

Hey guys! I've got the waiting room for the re-stream party up. As a reminder, we'll be starting this Friday, May 24th at 2 PM PST. I hope you're excited for this because I watched a couple minutes of the Yoostars and I can already tell it's going to be a good one. See ya'll there!

Archive Discord for more news:

Jerma Stream Archive
1 month ago - 3.6K likes

Hello everyone, Bacon here! Today I have great news for you all. It is with great pleasure that I announce that on May 24th, 2024 at 2 PM PST, we'll be holding our very own re-stream watch party on the Jerma Stream Archive YouTube channel! If you don't know what a re-stream watch party is, don't worry, it's the first time we're doing this and it's a working title so feel free to suggest a better title. We will be re-running one of Jerma's old streams, more specifically his Yoostar 2/TV Superstar stream. This is similar to when he did a re-run of his Simpsons Hit and Run stream back when he was on break. This stream will be very experimental, meaning there may be some hiccups here and there. However, if there is enough interest in these re-stream parties, we may do them more often and for longer. I know a lot of you really want a Seaman restream...

One other thing I want to get out of the way. As many of you might know, we run ads on the archive to help support the work we do. I want to be completely transparent with you all and be upfront about telling you that we will be running ads during this re-stream as well. However, I will do my absolute best to keep those ads to a minimum and avoid having them be disruptive to your viewing experience. I understand if this is a dealbreaker for you, but for those of you who choose to stay and watch, I humbly thank you for your understanding and support.

I'm really excited for this re-stream party, I personally missed this stream live, so it will be a lot of fun to watch this stream back with you all. I plan to make a waiting room here in the next few days so keep an eye out for it. I hope you're excited about this as well! See you all there!

Jerma Stream Archive
1 month ago - 4.4K likes

Hey ya'll. It's been a little bit, but I hope you're all doin' well. Many of you might be wondering what's going to happen with the channel with Jerma's soft retirement. The quick answer is for the foreseeable future we'll keep the archive updated whenever Jerma does stream and run the channel in a sort of maintenance mode. I do plan to make a small update video talking about it in more detail sometime soon.

The other piece of news I want to bring forward is that we're thinking of doing a re-stream party on this channel. We would stream one of Jerma's old streams again, similar to how Jerma did one time when he streamed the Simpson's hit and run stream again. We don't have a definite date set yet, but we were thinking late May or even early June. When I get more news I'll let you guys know. For now, I wanted to ask you guys which stream you wanted to see the most. I've created a poll on Google Forms where you guys can answer. I'll include the link below. The form has a few streams I picked out as ones that we're most likely going to stream, but I also included a section for you to request a stream you want to see re-streamed.

For this first re-stream party I wanted to pick a stream that was considered a classic stream/very good stream and was a self-contained stream i.e. isn't a game Jerma streamed over multiple days. We are probably not going to do this frequently, at most once a month unless these re-stream parties show a lot of interest. But for that reason, I'm trying to pick self-contained 1 part streams instead of something like Elden Ring with 21 parts. If we do a multipart stream where part 1 is this month, part 2 might not be for another month.

Let me know what you guys think. If you guys have tips for something like this please feel free to DM me on discord at baconator900. The link to our discord will be below in case you were interested in more news. Thank you all for your support through all this time, and I look forward to hangin' out with you guys at the re-stream party!


Jerma Stream Archive
8 months ago - 3.1K likes

Hello all, Bacon here. Quick update when it comes to the latest Party Animal video. There was an issue with audio desync and I failed to notice it until now, a few days later. I have no excuse for letting that happen in the first place, or for taking so many days to notice and fix it. I deeply apologize. I'm currently putting up the fixed version right now, and the old version will be privated soon. I am so sorry about letting this slip by me. If there are any other issues with any other VODs in the future, please don't hesitate to get my attention about it either by pinging me on our Discord or DM's on Discord. You may even email me if I fail to read comments again. I will get this fixed soon, as well as ChatReplay. Thank you for your patience, and have a good day.


Jerma Stream Archive
1 year ago - 2.8K likes

Hey guys, Bacon here. Wanted to give you all an update on the Public Domain Movie Night Part 1.

As it stands right now, Public Domain Movie Night Part 1 will remain unavailable to watch on YouTube indefinitely. This company called "W4tch TV" copyright claimed a small section of "Plan 9 From Outer Space", which is a public domain movie. I submitted a dispute for this claim, but it was rejected. So for right now it will remain blocked from YouTube until I talk with some people about it and decide if I want to submit an appeal or not. If I submit an appeal, I risk getting this channel a strike and having the video taken down completely like the green screen movie night part 6. Our last strike expired already, but I don't really want to risk another until I discuss it first.

For the time being, I want to direct you all to the backup I made of this VOD. It will be found at the bottom of this community post. Please feel free to watch/download/reupload/etc. to make sure it's not lost. I apologize for the inconvenience and for taking a while to address this VOD. I don't know who W4tch TV is but from what I've read, they're a pretty shady company. If I do get to appeal this VOD and it works, I'll update this community post. Thank you guys for your support, and have a great day.

P.S. For all streams that get blocked/removed, check the profile this video is uploaded under. I've been uploading every Jerma stream both here on youtube and since around the dollhouse and Elden Ring streams…

Jerma Stream Archive
1 year ago - 927 likes

Hey guys, Bacon here. I bring a message from ‪@ErasmusMagnusR‬, a community member that has been responsible for officially managing the captions/subs for 2ndJerma and Jerma Stream Archive. Please give Erasmus your attention for this post and remember to give your thanks for the captions. If you only care for the videos themselves with subtitles, the playlists will be below this block of text.

‪@2ndJerma‬ and the Jerma Stream Archive are OFFICIALLY accepting volunteer captions and subtitles. Any and all help is welcome. No experience is needed, just good writing. More info at:…

If you're interested in helping, follow these steps:
1. Join the archive channel discord:
2. In the #rules channel, read the message about subtitles and click the eyeball emoji to assign yourself the cc-helper role
3. Read the #cc-faq channel for more information on how to participate.

That's it, easy as pie. You'll be able to learn how to make captions here so don't worry if you don't know what to do.

For those of you who simply want to watch Jerma with subtitles, here are some official sources:

All videos:


Thanks everyone and have a great day!

Jerma Stream Archive
1 year ago - 2.2K likes

Hey everyone, Bacon Here. I apologize for being radio silent over the holidays about the Xmas stream, I was juggling so many things at once including having 15 family members in my house for a few weeks. But now the holidays are over, so welcome to the first community post of 2023! With that out of the way, let's talk bad news with the latest Jerma Stream (Retro/PS1&PS2 games).

It seems that the short 30-40 second clip of him playing Shadow Eclipse of the Heart got claimed and blocked worldwide. Ironically, on the PS1 and PS2 stream, the company that blocked this video is Sony. I have disputed the claim for now but that means the video won't be up for at least 48 hours and if the dispute gets rejected it might take even longer. I would prefer doing it this way so I don't have to cut out the audio of Jerma talking in these 40 seconds. However, I have a backup for you guys, good ol' I will have the link to this stream on below that will be available for you guys to watch while I wait to see how the dispute goes. I apologize to those of you who wanted to watch on youtube but YouTube has been unkind to us lately.

If today's Xbox stream gets blocked for any reason, then I will most likely do the same thing for that stream too, get it up on while I try and fix the stream on YouTube's end. Speaking of, I've been trying to keep it updated with every stream. I only started doing this a couple months ago, but if you want to download the original stream and it's not on twitch anymore, check the page or DM me and I'll see how I can help, my discord will be below alongside the links.

I will be making smaller announcements on the archive discord, if you haven't joined and want news on streams getting delayed or just want to hang out, the link to the discord will be below.

Thanks and have a great week Vod Watchers!…
Archive Channel Discord:
My DM: Baconator900#4387

Jerma Stream Archive
1 year ago - 2K likes

Hey everyone, the time to vote is NOW! The voting to choose the awards for this year's Jerma awards is live now! I'm going through this myself and it's a fun trip down memory lane, so make sure to do it yourself as well. This is not the nominations, those closed a while ago, these are voting to see which clip wins in each category. I hope to see you all there at the 2022 awards ceremony!

Vote here: