Erik of the Wild North - Over a decade bushcrafting and living off-grid in the Wild North.
I grew up just meters away from where the Vikings used to dwell. I was always out in nature as much as I could be when I was little, and it has just continued since then. When I became depressed in my early twenties, I moved out into nature full-time. Since then, I've stayed there. For over a decade, I've been doing what I can to be out in nature as much as possible. Bushcrafting, sleeping in the car, tiny houses, and sleeping in tents or under the open sky. As long as I don't have to be part of a society I want nothing to do with. I am only against evil - nothing else. I'm tired of evil. I love nature.
With nature, you always know where you stand.
If you want me to have time to add more videos please follow the channel and comment as much as you can. It's the ads and how much you watch the ads that make how many videos I can post. Thanks! And good luck finding nature and true life.