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Wyatt Christman

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Those who have been in control for so long don't want us to

Wyatt Christman
1 month ago - 0 likes

I follow this channel on the regular and he is good...this isn't panic mode however it's important that this is a rare event in that it's a bit beyond at least somewhat prepared for this Friday and weekend...

Wyatt Christman
1 month ago - 1 likes

This is something to pay attention to because it focuses upon electric changes rather than using chemicals - this admits then to what truly effects the atmosphere and busts the ongoing narrative...are we ready for more truth?

Wyatt Christman
2 months ago - 0 likes

Ahh take an idea denied all along and finally make it into a movie...the last line of the trailer is the best...selling the moon, selling this of the past or what's to happen next?

Wyatt Christman
2 months ago - 0 likes

oh this is...

Wyatt Christman
2 months ago - 0 likes

It's all a coordinated effort - they want civil war and will get it by a proxy of events that will make it so that anyone armed would feel foolish not to take part...they want a powder keg in multiple areas so that the unrest is so great they can't even hold an election to "protect the people" from harm...or maybe this is all just a bunch of people coming over the border and no big deal...who knows, you decide

Wyatt Christman
2 months ago - 0 likes

If you ever want to experience being totally in the now try sailing down wind with waves, I have on a much smaller scale and you are in tune with both wind, waves, and boat all at once, cannot even imagine what kind of connection the crew, captain and boat have but you aren't looking at your phone...Cape Horn is nowhere for a sane man to go from what I have heard...

Wyatt Christman
2 months ago - 0 likes

Hazmat suits??!! National Guard??!! The Great American Solar Eclipse just gets weirder and weirder...

Wyatt Christman
2 months ago - 0 likes

Oregon leads the way in shutting down home, small food operations and more enforcing with technology to interrupt our independent food is this a test to see if it could work in other states?

Wyatt Christman
3 months ago - 0 likes

This is intimidation pure and simple

Wyatt Christman
3 months ago - 5 likes

Overnight success comes from years of practiced outcomes and dedication…yet we focus on the overnight part and want to duplicate what is actually an easy process yet lack the earned wisdom from the years of experience that make it fluid, effective…in reality just by creating and keeping movement with the creative process we become ourselves, reveal ourselves and allow the truth to come through…