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Howdy I am sunset B) I am a 20 year old idiot, that likes to

1 week ago - 57 likes

Please read this post. (excuse the typos.) (i will fix them soon )

to sum it up: me and pupfully were ghosting people, and not finishing many, already paid for art and animations. 50+ different people, hundreds of dollars. (scamming)

everyone here should know already how pupfully and I were making a lot of adopts, YCH's offering commissions, and customs, to be able to support our family during their pay being cut at the time.

we were taking on more projects then we were finishing them, and got burnt out. quickly. about 2 times a month, we would have to make more money for food expenses, and after receiving the payment, we would usually stop communicating.

even though our family is not in need of money anymore, both of us have been ignoring even our most urgent messages, we ghosted people, and now we have 50+ people we owe art, customs, or even multiple animations to. i have been even ignoring my very good friends.

I kept saying i would start checking messages again, that i would make a plan, but i lied.

i made a server to keep track of everything, but never checked it.
people have given me advice, but i didn't listen to them.
recently I made a brand new server, and I decided to let pupfully. and my moderators handle everything while I was gone.
to put it simply, one moderator was doing their best to in enforce my server rules, but upset someone.
another moderator was being very rude and started fights with people.
and pupfully had a mental episode and traumatized at least one person.
the recent events have been solved. and it all resulted from me not paying more attention to the server.

as of right now, i have been communicating and checking my messages, my new server is running much smoother, and pupfully will only be drawing as of right now. any communication from her will be monitored until she is okay again.

how we will fix this: we will give out refunds, and we will still continue your commission either way.
we will provide additional free art and animation, but that will be after we finish up the overdue art.
since we will need to make up money for the refunds, we will be selling adopts, that way, we can still get money without anyone waiting for us to complete anything.
we will no longer be taking any commissions. but if we ever did in the future, for any previous buyer, you will only have to pay after the animation or art is complete.

I'm saying this now, because someone is making a call out of us, that i think will encourage others to no longer support us, which will result in us not being able to make up money for refunds.
i believe the person will paint pupfully as a bad person, and she just had a mental breakdown. and we can't do much to help said person recover despite us offering.
and the amount of outsiders that i will have to manage, ontop of all of the work i need to do, will just slow everything down.

i was going to make this post either way when i had some new adopts to show, but i needed to make this earlier than expected.

this is to sum up the situation as short as i possibly could. if you have any questions i will answer them. i am up for advice. thank you everyone.

1 month ago - 143 likes


1 month ago - 300 likes

To celebrate 8k subs, I decided to animate whatever the top comment says,
which is: "Animate your ocs but with an uncomfortable amount of realism, no irl photos allowed. "
thank you ‪@_ShadowShark_‬ >:)

so imma animate something, it will be more realistic in a creapy way, but the animation will be top tier >:)
I'll be taking my time on the animation, but will show occasional wips or something AAFHGJF,YUTJFTJGSDX

if you guess what I'm animating then lets be friends 😔


1 month ago - 283 likes

Vote for ‪@Blue-Bells‬

1 month ago - 156 likes

vote for ‪@Pupfully‬ 2024

1 month ago - 219 likes

Wanna see my old art from 2016-2017? 🥺🤨🤨🤨😎😎

TRIGGER WARNING FOR THE 5TH (LAST IMAGE) snake with blood and negative words written on it

Imma redraw one of these, but yall gotta pick :(

1. is My old oc SpyCon...story behind them (they were based off vendetta, previously known as vincent that was created by rebornica...this character turned into a cat named Adriz, then I turned them into a human xd)

2. two generic characters... they are just divide/minus vs plus/multiply

3. This is my old persona GoldenWings, you can find them on my deviantart and Toyhouse :)

4. this was originally a frame for a running gif, the monster used to be a cyborg companion to a stick figure character

5. this was a stupid vent, but if i were to ever remake it, imma change the negative word to positive, no blood, and change the animal

2 months ago - 353 likes


take an art dump, plus my daughter....we think its a girl....we have no name yet

2 months ago - 258 likes

Before you read, I will animate whatever the TOP comment says >:) not too outrageous please 😭!!!!

the final decision will be made on May 8th


I started to care less bout my channel cause it had been dying lowkey due to my inactivity,
BUT WE...LOOK...LOOK HOW SATISFYING THAT NUMBER IS! 8 is my favorite number too ;')

Imma type a lot of stuff out, first, we'll start with an introduction to my new subscribers


Hi I'm SunsetPanther >:)
Im 21 years old,
going to graduate next month (I'm so smart I took extra years 🥺)
and I have a younger brother and an older sister on YouTube :) ‪@DangoLemo‬ ‪@DangoKnight‬ ‪@Pupfully‬
I Currently have 2 red Bearded dragons! One is a baby, and another is an adult
I am a real chill person B) I do struggle with anxiety and other things, I'm currently learning how to drive and losing weight,
More information about me is on my Carrd!


I want my channel to be a safe place for everyone! there will be slight suggestive content though, a few vents, music with suggestive lyrics, but it is all mild :)


Currently, I have many animations and refunds to take care of, i have been avoiding my messages due to stress, anxiety, and IRL stuff, but I am slowly taking care of everything. I'm currently working on a problem at a time, and am currently working on a long overdue YCH, it will be ready to upload on the 30th :)

i will only be taking more commissions, or making adopts, to help raise money for refunds, and until I finish a lot of my overdue work. (i took so much work cause my family was financially struggling for months)

From now on, if we did business before, I will allow you to pay after the commission is completed :)

I also have 2 birthday animations, a gift animation, and a Mother's Day animation I will be working on, so stay tuned


Thank you for everyone that has been helping me out :) Im a really stupid person and I don't really all....but yall still make me feel included and a part of the community :) thank you for all my friends! *points* BENTHER.. i have so many people to name, but i don't want to accidently forget anyone D: i have bad memory.... DIZZY ...RED...BLUE NOCUOUS NOVAGABE DEZ SUGAPAWZ FLIP BAFOON PUPFULLY DANGO THEANIMEPERSON T-WOLF POWER KARMA LEVI(ZZA) - sorry my hand slipped D: that's just a few out of a thousand awesome people I know >:) you all are helping me become a better me every day 😭

4 months ago - 187 likes

YALL... I GOT A Community guideline Warning for "Harassment and Bullying" 😭

I think this was because I shared pupfully's community post about her health,
and said something like "pupfully looks like a dog" (which obviously she and I both thought it was funny ) but youtube thinks I'm a bully >:(

Im trying to make an appeal, BUT,
I have to assume the warning was from the shared post, because youtube won't tell me what content got the warning.. it just says: Content Unavailable
(but I'm assuming its the shared post cause I don't see it anymore)

There should be an appeal button BUT I DONT SEE ITGJDCHFXD All I got is the "take training button", but if anyone has any advice for me, let me know ;') says the warning will disappear in 90 days but like if I accidentally get another warning again, I'll let a strike on my channel D:

UPDATE: I did the lil training test, said my warning will disappear on June 2
Just sent feedback and gave all the information needed, so hopefully youtube comes back to me soon >:)