This group was created to help those that have been abused Sexual y Physically Emotional Neglected idranktheseawater and me rainbowpagan have made this site to help those that are dealing with the aftershock of abuse. Abuse happens all the time and abuse is a lot of the time caused by someone in the family. Our goal for this group is to help others to let them know they are not alone in this and if you want to join please e-mail use and we will let you in the only requirement for this group is that you have been abused in some way so that you can share your experience and help others by doing so we will also answer questions that you may have as long as they are probate questions if you are still being abused we are here and we please ask you to report this to a officer or someone who you trust and love if you want courage to tell someone you can also privet e-mail use. Anyone in the group that you feel comfortable talking to and just remember YOU ARE NEVER ALONE