Simon Borg-Olivier, MSc, BAppSc (Physiotherapy), APAM c-IAYT, has studied & taught traditional yoga posture, movement, breathing, & meditation, with great masters from Tibet, Japan, India, & China for more than 40 years. Simon is a physiotherapist, research scientist, & university lecturer. He combines modern medical science with traditional practices to create loving connections within the self for internal health and happiness as a model for how we are in the world.
"I share a system of gentle meditative movements that puts you in the flow state of an elite athlete without physical stress. My system is based on 25 years as a physiotherapist, & 40 years Hatha Yoga & Qigong teacher. My practice is less like a workout & more like a work-in. It leaves you more energized, calmer, & happier & allows any pain in your body to dissolve. Regular practice allows you to sleep well, digest well, heal from musculoskeletal injuries & medical conditions, & rarely if ever get sick."