Qualifictaion:- Maulana Munibulrahman Qasmi is prominent Qualified Scholar Who his Degree holder as maulana from World's most famously reknowned madarsa "darul-ulm- deoband". He even done his Post graduation in M.A (URDU) maulana Azaad Univ.
Profession :-
He is currently working as principle in Al-noor urdu high school , Vapi since 25 years, As well as He is scholar/ Aalim in Arabic field in "Jamiah Noor-ul-Islam" Moti Daman, Daman. He is also Columnist in many Urdu news paper.
Objective of This channel :-
"Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single Aayah (Verse, sentence)"
-Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W)
Holding this command of our beloved Prophet our aim is to spread Islamic Message to many people as much as we can . And our viewers are requested to share the video lectures through social media ,so u one can also can be rewarded with sadqa-e-jariya