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Not BrayDaGamer

599 subscribers - no pronouns :c

I am a gamer who thinks they are a pro gamer but I'm Not. I

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Not BrayDaGamer
Posted 18 hours ago

I think I will finally make my one world 12b12tpe an official minecraft bedrock server with aternos. I don't expect it to get players right away but I just need to mess around and I will be successful

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Not BrayDaGamer
Posted 1 day ago

still haven't got flashthemes working. So you know what they say. Never give up, I'mma try new methods and start asking anyone I can find at school if they heard of flashthemes and how to get it to work. I have the browsers I need, just not a working flash player

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Not BrayDaGamer
Posted 1 week ago

I just found a crazy minecraft seed with like 14 biomes near spawn. Seed is -2711962635973309545 on version 1.8.9

It's not a normal world but instead it's a customized world
Settings are

Biome scale weight: 2.010
Water lake rarity: 1
Lava lake rarity: 10
River size: 5
Biome size: 2

Yea I did shrink the biomes but are there supposed to be this many near spawn?

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Not BrayDaGamer
Posted 1 week ago

I decided that because flashthemes can be used in the browser Imma continue to work with that. Still haven't gotten it working. However I decided that instead of doing things myself that Imma start getting people involved in this. Things for sure I'm not getting my parents into this since they ain't tech experts. But I ran around school during class transitions and asked as many of the 8th graders as possible if they knew how to get flash working on android phones. So far I haven't found anyone that knows. But I actually recently just came up with a plan so crazy it might just work. You see, I have minecraft java edition on my phone and there's a mod named WebDisplays to let you use the Internet in minecraft. The good thing about this is that the mod uses chromium browser which is actually the browser I need. So if I get the mod. Use that device to let you use the Internet, find out how to use the freaking mod, get flash + flash patch, and make sure I can sign in to youtube and flash themes. I could actually get flash themes working in minecraft and upload my animations to youtube from within minecraft. It's quite insane but I believe it will work and all I need is to figure out the mod and I'll be good. However I don't feel ready to try that yet. I still wanna try asking people in school if they know what to do and if no one knows then I will switch to tutorials. If that fails then only then will I try that minecraft mod.

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Not BrayDaGamer
Posted 2 weeks ago

Look at these cool planets I made

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Not BrayDaGamer
Posted 2 weeks ago

imma try to get wrapper offline since I don't know a way to enable flash player and flash patch. Fuck if that also doesn't work then I might as well just become a programmer and program a new goanimate website to work on mobile without flash that still has comedy world and all that good stuff. shit if I can't code then imma just either do powtoons or plotagon even though they suck. Or I could do something only the most insane people would do, and literally draw goanimate scenes on flipaclip which will take mother fucking irl days to do and require serious dedication. So it's either I try to get wrapper offline and find a way to enable flash or imma refute my idea for good.

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Not BrayDaGamer
Posted 2 weeks ago

I have a serious storage problem so I'm not gonna be uploading for quite a bit. I'm removing some stuff however my vlogs I don't wanna just delete. I need a way to watch them whenever I want but still be able to delete them. So I'm not going to upload any videos from your pov since imma just upload my vlogs but they'll be private

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Not BrayDaGamer
Posted 3 weeks ago

alright I think Imma try again getting flash themes to mother frickin work on my phone because I don't give up and if it still doesn't work then Imma try to get wrapper offline or something and see if it works on mobile. I do have the waterfox browser app so I can try again. I will only refute my idea of bringing goanimate back to my channel if flash themes doesn't work and I can't get wrapper offline. I will try some more tho and hopefully it works so I can make an animation out of my racist 5th grade math teacher and that girl that was annoying as frick 3 years ago

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Not BrayDaGamer
Posted 3 weeks ago

Happy valentines day. These are my valentines day decorations for today, imma remove them on the 21st

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Not BrayDaGamer
Posted 4 weeks ago

Are you watching the Superbowl tonight

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