Fenland on Film - the unique beauty of the Fens captured with the unrivalled magic of celluloid film.
To learn more about our filmmaking journey, visit www.fenlandonfilm.co.uk and our social media pages.
Footage licensing enquires can be made via the website.
The heritage films and archive material we upload are either owned by Fenland on Film, shared with the copyright holder's permission / licenced (subject to conditions) or reproduced for posterity under the 'fair use' / 'fair dealing' exception to copyright law for educational purposes. We will comply with any requests to remove another entity's material from the channel should a valid and verifiable copyright takedown request be made.
"Fair dealing in United Kingdom law is a doctrine which provides an exception to United Kingdom copyright law, in cases where the copyright infringement is for the purposes of non-commercial research or study, criticism or review, or for the reporting of current events".