Welcome, this channel features a collection of vocals, songs and melodies from HeadrusH, also newer material, covers and other side project stuff. Please note, the guitar playing is a means to an end, I have written with guitar chords and riffs for many years, but singing & playing simultaneously is a tough act (hence the chords are broken down into simplistic form.
Additionally, attempting to 'sing sitting down' (under normal circumstances) is much harder to have the correct airflow singing this way - not recommended. However, the acoustic only versions allow for more vocal improvisation.
This site is dedicated to all my supporters, particularly those in Stoke - some fantastic bands and musicians who deserve to make it. Additionally, this channel goes out to all who bust a gut putting time, energy and passion into writing original material. Man, its not easy, but there's a song in everyone (plus many more in bands writing album after album!) Rock on, good day and God bless... x