Who are we?
BASMAH is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charity organization based in the USA. Our mission is dedicated to providing aid and development assistance to distressed Rohingya refugees and other disadvantaged individuals in Bangladesh and worldwide
Our Vision:
Our Vision is to empower people and enable them to help themselves and their communities. Short-term help is great but long-term stability is the goal. Our projects are developed with the hope of long-term growth for communities all over the world
Our Mission:
Brighten a Life, Change The World If you Brighten a Life you change the World. Then that individual will continue to brighten the lives of everyone around them. BASMAH is determined to brighten as many lives as it can.
BASMAH is officially registered with the Bangladesh government as a foreign NGO, registration no: 3325. BASMAH has also received the Special Consultative Status from the United Nations ECOSOC.
Website: www.basmah.org