What does motivation mean to you?
Motivation is the fuel that drives you. It's the thing that keeps you going, even when everything else falls apart. Motivation keeps you going when you're tired, sick, or stressed out. It helps you keep your head up when everyone else around you is down.
It's okay if motivation isn't a daily thing for you—it's not required in order to be successful or happy. But it's something that can be worked on every day so that it becomes a natural part of who you are and what makes your life meaningful.
That's why we created Quotes Board. We want to help people find their motivation again and again—not just for the big things in life (like getting out of bed in the morning), but for all the little things too: taking a shower without feeling guilty about how long it'll take; waking up on Sunday knowing there will be no more work until Monday morning; taking a walk around the block instead of working all day at the computer.