My personal goal is to bring some cheers to millions out there who are going through some aging process in their personal life. All my video series are the results of my own personal journey and with some basic knowledge on video editing, I hope these series will help many. God Bless..
Video Series are....
1. Karaoke Lyrics Video - Actually singing out the songs (mainly #oldies and #alltimefavorites ) to the #karaokelyrics and #karaokeversion help to activate our whole system of coordinating the muscles in our lungs, brain, vocal/mouth/throat, vision, hand/shoulder/legs. Don't be shy, just let it out.
2. Personal Exercise Series - will guide to do simple exercise anytime anywhere and will help slow down #dementia and #sarcopenia (#muscleloss ) and or #alzheimer
3. Health series - focusing on correct food intake basing on the principle of #gigo or garbage in garbage out.