Welcome to Relaxation thru Exotic Music (R.E.M), a safe space for restless minds. I am your host, Skyrium Jones, and it is my pleasure to serve you. So...What is R.E.M?
R.E.M is a whole new genre of music (a concept invented by me) where abstract compositions serve a medicinal purpose for listeners who suffer from anxiety and depression by integrating sensual whispers and exotic sounds (ASMR created by YT's most popular artists- not me) with music from every era. There are quite a few forces at work here and each component is compelling in it's own way. In my humble opinion, I believe R.E.M is surrealism at it's finest. In this conceptual space, we experience people from different time periods who've never met but yet they collaborate using their gifts to extinguish the dysphoria of those who are in need of council and positive reinforcement...People are going to copy me and claim they invented this concept. Remember where you heard this first :)