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My Top 10 lrs tier list for the end of the 10th anniversary, Thoughts? Is ultra ssj2 gohan top 5 now?? My top 10 lrs for the dokkan 10th anniversary #dokkanbattle EVO VEGETA WITH A 90 MILLION ATTACK STAT????!!!!!! Vegito is so broookkkeeeen Lf gogeta blue is broken with his zenkai!!!!!!! Updates top 10 tier list for gotenks Vegito=99 combos+1v3+broken Ultra majin vegeta is number 1 God goku with a easy 1v3 2 ultras 1 multi????? That's why LF ultimate gohan is still top 3 New free2play kid trunks has the weirdest standby 😂 Vegito with the 1v3 without switching, vegito doesn't need teammates The hardest hitting active skill in the game??!! my top 10 tur list My top 10 lr tier list right before wwdc 100 stone multi #dokkanbattlejp #dokkanbattle guaranteed lf ticket multi Insane single no way!!!! Main acc summons on legends happy summer banner there do damn broken omega killing vegito in 2 cards is crazy Omega shenron is that guy rage shenron is a god easy 1v3 My updated tier list after the hardest fight in the game My updated tier list after jiren came out Like and subscribe if UI Goku cooks this guy Ultra ssj4 gogeta 1v3ing one of the best teams with ease Wtf???? #dokkanbattleglobal Uh... Wow Mui Goku is just that guy Gogeta blue really feels like the best unit in the game more ticket summons how many lfs can I get from these ticket summons kid buu might just be better than corrupted Zamasu thoughts on my tier list #dragonballzdokkanbattle thoughts on my tier list #dragonballlegends kid buu is so stupid, BTW his team is all 7 Sars or higher Vegito with the 1v3, Yea he's just to good uhh???? this is only a zenkai 3 kid buu God goku 1v3, why are people saying he's trash guaranteed LF ticket summon 50k cc deep 1 multi and a dream? jp dokkan summons for rose goku black