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Coding Eagle

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Coding Eagle
4 months ago - 1 likes

Why you forget everything you learned from a programming tutorial the day after you watched it

Coding Eagle
4 months ago - 2 likes

A good mindset to have when coding your own projects 👍

Coding Eagle
4 months ago - 4 likes

How long did it take the creator of python (Guido Van Rossum) to create python?

Coding Eagle
4 months ago - 1 likes

What was the programming language Python named after?

Coding Eagle
4 months ago - 1 likes

How long did it take the creator of Javascript (Brandan Eich) to create javascript?

Coding Eagle
4 months ago - 1 likes

*Get more energy to code* You're always too tired to code because school or your job is draining your energy. And here's how you can fix it.

Trying to code anyway despite being too tired to won't work, because they'll just be very unproductive hours.

So if you're too tired to code after work, start going to sleep earlier so you can wake up earlier and code in the morning instead.

Example: instead of going to sleep at 10 PM and waking up at 8 AM to go to work, go to sleep at 8 PM and wake up at 6 AM to code for 2 hours before going to work.

Coding Eagle
4 months ago - 1 likes

*Mindset To Code Everyday* You procrastinate coding because you're afraid of the boredom you might have to go through if you start.

But this is the wrong way to look at it.

Don't think of how hard coding is, because you only have to start with the first step. And that's setting up your digital environment to actually *start* coding. You don't have to do the painful step 5 or step 20 yet: only step 1.

So only think about step 1.

Coding Eagle
4 months ago - 2 likes

*tip to code faster*
When you get mad at your own code it's tempting to just try harder, but that only makes you fail harder, which only makes you even angrier. This becomes a vicious loop.

So the next time you're angry at a bug, just do the following:
1. stop coding
2. Release some tension by watching a funny 5 minute clip of your favorite comedian (laughing is proven to release tension)
3. go back coding with a clear mind.

Coding Eagle
4 months ago - 3 likes

*Tip for more energy when coding* You feel too tired to code because you hit the snooze button. And here's why.

5 to 10 minutes is not enough to rest your brain, because all your brain can do in that time is prepare you for sleep by making you sleepy.

So instead of snoozing to make up for bad sleep, start sleeping more by setting an alarm to start consistently going to bed early.

Coding Eagle
4 months ago - 3 likes

*Hack to fix your focus when coding*
When you're trying to code but you can't stop thinking about something else (responsibilities, life events, etc...), just use the 4 step brain dump hack to empty your mind again and start focusing on your code.

Just follow these 4 steps:

1. Stop coding
2. Take a paper and pen
3. Write your thoughts down on paper (or digital text file; your choice)
4. Go back coding with an empty mind