My name is Richard. I'm an IT professional and a life-long golf nut
Over the last decade I had grown a bit "fat and happy". I gained 60 lbs and my game was a mess. I was barely carrying a PW 100yds on a good day. More importantly I was beginning to have trouble keeping up with my kids. In May of 2016 I began a journey to get in shape and try to get my qame back in order. Since then I've lost ALL the weight. I've been in the gym 5 days a week ever since. Most importantly have rediscovered my love of life! The dramatic body changes had unexpected consequences for my game, however.
This channel will document my attempts to get my game into shape and to hopefully get into low single figures to stay with my new, very, very, different feeling body!
I hope my journey to being physically fit will inspire a few people a long the way!