Welcome all Halltastic friends and supporters! Halltastic Youtube/Instagram/TikTok/Twitch All content is created by Matt @MattMarvinHall and Isabel @ahippiesview A little about us we live in Dallas, Texas and have been together since 2014. We have over 30+ years of animal experience, our passion is rescuing all kinds of furry and scaley friends. We will be growing our library and adding a plethora of shows/podcast. Which will include entertainment reviews, unboxing, hauls, animals, supernatural/sci fi stories and much more! Thank you for being part of our journey as we continue to grow this amazing community as our content gets better and higher quality, every day is a learning experience! All of our animals are rescues except for our fish, Lucy Bell Hall @LucyBellHall 14 year old Jack Russell Terrier, Drago Hall @HallDrago 8 year old Bearded Dragon, Sasha Hall 4 year old Leopard Gecko, Girdy Hall 2 year old Russian Tortoise, Nix Hall 2 year old Leopard Gecko and a huge mealworm farm