Keith Grounsell has 26+ years of law enforcement experience at city, county, state, federal, and international levels. He has served as U.S. Contingent Commander to the UN (Haiti on Dept. of State police mission), 2-time Chief of Police, DEA Special Agent, Narcotics Investigator (City & County), Senior Police Advisor (Liberia, Dept. of State Mission), National Supervisor (Afghanistan Police Mission, Dept. of State), Gang/Drug Task Force Commander (covering 36 counties), Lead Investigator for SC's largest Solicitor’s Office, and UN SWAT Specialist. He is currently a consultant for law enforcement and security tactics worldwide, with experience advising and training over 30 national police forces globally.
He holds a Master’s in Criminal Justice and is the author of seven books, including a 4 book series A NARC'S TALE (featured on A&E’s UNDERCOVER: CAUGHT ON TAPE), LEADERSHIP UNDER FIRE, SHATTERED CHAINS: HUMAN TRAFFICKING UNCOVERED, and the children’s book KALEB'S JOURNEY OF KINDNESS.