Hua Ngan Xuyen Ky Lo Channel: Specializes in providing real-life chess games from famous Vietnamese and world players. To research, learn, and improve chess skills together
Introducing to those who love Chinese chess the best Chinese chess openings, going first and going second in Chinese chess.
Hua Ngan Xuyen Ky Lo channel collects classic Chinese chess games of top players with top opening methods: First artillery, fronting the horse, following the cannon, countering the cannon, the immortal pointing out, counter-bowing the horse, Non-phenoc bet, over bow gun, mono de ma, hap de ma, kneeling ma, love couple cannon. The channel collects and comments on many good chess games with unique killing methods, chess games of the sidewalk gangsters with the Sophisticated traps, and unique tactics for maneuvering troops in the middle and endgame. The channel collects common Chinese chess moves in the opening reference from ancient Chinese chess tips such as Quyet Trung Bi, Mai Hoa Pho...