in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Daily Affirmation: Positivity
“I learn and grow from every experience.”
Share this with a friend who needs to hear the affirmation today!
Wishing you a wonderful and lovely day✨💕
📷 by Maki at the Path to Mossbrae Falls, Mt. Shasta, Mt. Shasta
#soulcalling #earthenergy #本来の自分
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Daily Affirmation: Abundance
“I am open to receiving new opportunities.”
Share this with a friend who needs to hear the affirmation today!
Wishing you a wonderful and lovely day✨💕
📷 by Maki at Mt. Shasta, Mt. Shasta
#soulsjourney #lightwithin #ハイヤーセルフ
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Daily Affirmation: Abundance
“I have all that I need to thrive.”
Share this with a friend who needs to hear the affirmation today!
Wishing you a wonderful and lovely day✨💕
📷 by Maki at Youth Sports Park, Mt. Shasta
#highervibrations #affirm #アファメーション
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Daily Affirmation: Self-Love
“I deserve joy.”
Share this with a friend who needs to hear the affirmation today!
Wishing you a wonderful and lovely day✨💕
📷 by Maki at Mt. Shasta
#spiritguides #energywork #現実化する
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Daily Affirmation: Success
“I attract success in everything I do.”
Share this with a friend who needs to hear the affirmation today!
Wishing you a wonderful and lovely day✨💕
📷 by Maki at Burney Falls Mt. Shasta
#universehasyourback #highestself #波動
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Daily Affirmation: Positivity
“I radiate positive energy to those around me.”
Share this with a friend who needs to hear the affirmation today!
Wishing you a wonderful and lovely day✨💕
📷 by Maki at Middle Fall of McCloud River, Mt. Shasta
#hearthealing #higherdimensions #宇宙の法則
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Daily Affirmation: Self-Love
“I deserve happiness.”
Share this with a friend who needs to hear the affirmation today!
Wishing you a wonderful and lovely day✨💕
📷 by Maki at Panther Meadows, Mt. Shasta
#spiritualgoddess #universalenergy #瞑想
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Daily Affirmation: Mindfulness and Peace
“I breathe in calm and exhale stress.”
Share this with a friend who needs to hear the affirmation today!
Wishing you a wonderful and lovely day✨💕
📷 by Maki at Panther Meadows, Mt. Shasta
#spiritualhealer #lightworker #マニフェスト
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Daily Affirmation: Positivity
“I see the good in every challenge.”
Share this with a friend who needs to hear the affirmation today!
Wishing you a wonderful and lovely day✨💕
📷 by Maki at Mossbrae Falls, Mt. Shasta
#affirmations #awakening #引き寄せの法則
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Daily Affirmation: Success
“I am capable of achieving my goals.”
Share this with a friend who needs to hear the affirmation today!
Wishing you a wonderful and lovely day✨💕
📷 by Maki at Mt. Shasta
#soulcalling #earthenergy #本来の自分
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Maki is a spiritual counselor, helping people heal themselves, and search and recognize their true passion. With the angelic power of Mt. Shasta, Maki will guide you to a loving transformational journey.