* Update 24.08.2018 *
After 4 years of uploading new CC-License songs Youtube blocked monetizing for our channel and it's not possible for us to continue this hard work of search and convert songs which are free for anybody. We say thank you for over 1.000.000 Views and 5000 Subs, but Youtube will not see our hard work over the last year and stopped paying this week. We will try to reactivivate the monetizing option, but if Youtube will say no again its clear we can not upload more Free Songs. Sorry, but if you are worried about this, so tell it to Youtube who earns all the money now and we will get nothing, THANK YOU YOUTUBE :(
Listen to free music. All songs here are Creative Commons.
* Update 31.03.2015 *
More then 1000 free songs online now.
* Update 30.12.2014 *
We have 500 songs online now