Self-Taught programmer is not an easy to become, but I have started to learn how to code in Javascript.
I want to share with you my goal to become a self-taught programmer of JavaScript and become web developer in my free time.
I have started web development journey to show you what I have learned, what obstacles I had at the start so you know what to expect if you are beginner in programming.
This journey will shed some light what are the steps needed to be self-taught programmer and become a programmer of websites with Javascript.
I will try to show you what is the roadmap for a self-taught web developer to become front end and back end developer. How to become Full-Stack developer.
#Selftaughtprogrammer #selftaughtdeveloper #selfttaughtprogramming #selftaughtwebdeveloper #selftaughtprogrammerjourney #selftaughtfullstack #selftaughtJavascript #startprogrammingjourney #startselftaughtprogramming #becomeselftaughtprogrammer