This is a group about LIVING!! (on dialysis) thriving while in Kidney renal failure. Home hemo Dialysis you can go camping, road-trip, casinos and do all of this on home hemo dialysis. Christina Gilchrist had quickly become known as the dialysis warrior blind chick with Moose the Pomsky service dog and me… Michael Gilchrist THE CARETAKER. Christina has over 20yrs of dialysis experience with over 5yrs in center dialysis, 2 kidney failed transplants peritoneal dialysis for over 3yrs (stomach and chest PD catheter) now she does nocturnal home hemo dialysis using a central port. We are not doctors, Always check with your kidney team. #ChristinaGilchrist #BlindChickLiving #MichaelGilchrist #thecaretaker #carepartner #caregiver #LIVINGondialysis
#NxStage #AtHomeWithNxStage #fresenius #HomeDialysis #DialysisAtHome
#KidneyCommunity #HHD
#DialysisStrong #KidneyCarePartner #Dialysis #cannulation #cannulate #needle #notdead #living #medical #fistula #graft #cvc #carepartnerkidneydonor