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PZ Myers

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The Blog: The Patreon: patr

PZ Myers
8 months ago - 50 likes

Hey, friends! The next video is scripted up, I just need to put it together, which is tough because work has me scheduled for evening meetings.
I'll definitely have it together by this weekend, so keep your eyes open for "Eco Evo Devo: A Personal Introduction" once I've got a breather here.

PZ Myers
8 months ago - 38 likes

I have my doubts this will work. I've been locked out of the community tab for a few months now.

PZ Myers
1 year ago - 77 likes

Dang. I'm almost ready to record another video (about the evolution of vision), but my voice is almost completely gone. If you think the audio on the last one sucked, now imagine it read in a husky, rasping croak.
Speaking of bad audio, though, I also re-jiggered my mic set up, so that should be better. Which makes it even more frustrating that I can't dash off this next video.

PZ Myers
1 year ago - 76 likes

My 4yo granddaughter came to visit on Tuesday/Wednesday, and the little snot-goblin brought the plague into our home: my wife has been flattened with soreness & sore throat. I got off easy with a little sniffle.

Still worth it. She can come visit again anytime.

PZ Myers
1 year ago - 97 likes

Heppy New Year, if we can have such a thing.

PZ Myers
1 year ago - 1 likes

I know. It really needs more maggots to be popular. (Is that the secret to the really high traffic youtuber's success?)

PZ Myers
1 year ago - 3 likes

Well, I guess I know what people like now. After that video of Steatoda mating (I was very pleased with that, by the way; lots of cool action in there), my wife sent me a short, simple video of Monarch butterflies fluttering in a tree. In one day, it got more views than the spider video did in four.
I will post what I like, no change there, but it's clear I haven't found the formula for YouTube popularity, and am in fact defying it.

PZ Myers
1 year ago - 2 likes

This was fun. I caught a pair of spiders the minute they started courting…and mating. Surprising observation was that the males achieve intromission by punching the females hard and fast in the genitals until their palp pops in. I guess if she's into that kind of thing…and maybe has a tough, hard cuticle protecting her epigyne.

PZ Myers
1 year ago - 3 likes

Dan Phelps and I will be sifting through some of the Noah's Ark garbage Answers in Genesis promotes on Saturday. Do tune in! It will be ridicockulous!

PZ Myers
1 year ago - 5 likes

Hey! Do you like maggots? I've got a lot of them that I'm using for spider food, and to produce insects that can feed my spiders, and they're amazingly active. Take a look, if you dare!

My subscriber count may plummet shortly.