About (IMT):
Do you know, what is the purpose of your life? Ask yourself, Why were you born? What will be happening after your death?
And if your answer is "Don't Know" then you're the one exactly for whom I'm searching for. I'm Teja, a Hustling Entrepreneur trying to find the "Truth of life".
"Perceptions'' are the ones which are leading your life at present. You may be thinking of something, but the other might be thinking differently about the same topic you're thinking about, But what exactly is the truth? Who is correct? And to know the answer, I'm trying my best by exploring all the Historical books like "The Gita, The Mahabharata, The Ramayana" Etc., because "History knows the truth". With the adoption of modern science, we humans forget the truth of our life. To bring back that mindset of finding the truth of life I'm here with "IMT". And if you are among the ones with the answer "Don't Know" to the above questions, then just follow me and learn my learning's.