BALEROD channel takes you to the heart of Iranian nomadic life; A family of ten people who strive for survival and sustainability in the heart of nature and ancient traditions. The parents of the family together with their eldest son, Sayad, play the role of the main pillar of the nomadic life. The family, one of whose daughters is married and two other children study in the city, still maintains the authenticity of nomadic life. They spend six months of the year in the tropics and the other six months in the cold, with seasonal migrations that attract has its own This channel offers a unique journey to the challenges, beauty and culture of nomadic life and makes you work together with this family. From living in pristine nature to old skills and traditions, everything is alive and tangible here. With your support and companionship, these pure nomadic stories can inspire today's generation.
life in the mountains
borderless nomads
root in the wind
Iran Kochandeh