Welcome to the YouTube channel of the Extracellular Vesicle Club: EVClub! At this virtual exchange, you might encounter an educational talk, a thought-provoking journal article, cutting-edge research, a discussion on the latest EV methodology, or a debate on MSC EVs or microRNAs. There's a whole menagerie of EVs out there, so please join us if you're interested in ectosomes, exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, exophers, apoptotic bodies, gamones, migrasomes, oncosomes, prostasomes, adherons...or any other lipid bilayer-delimited extracellular particles.
EVClub is founded and copyrighted by Kenneth Witwer. Views of the hosts, moderators, presenters, and audience members are not necessarily those of any employer, funding agency, or society.
To join the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV), see: isev.memberclicks.net/membership-application
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