Hello, I'm decent at Gacha videos, WIS edits, and I also work on roblox game which I am currently working on my own. I hope what your seeking in my channel satisfy and makes you enjoy my contents as I try to improve better everyday. I'm mainly the type of person who just do reaction vids, or something random on Gacha videos and I'm not skilled and experienced with animating doing edits on my videos but I still try.
(I may not sometimes upload alot because of school.)
I'm honestly not interested in making money, It may sound like a lie but I do sometimes leave monetization on so I can atleast try to help my family's problems and give out donations to people atleast, and pay bills. the only reason I exist with this channel is because I want to give the viewers and my fans entertainment and plus it's been my dream to always start a youtube channel, and do my own type of stuff also.
I'm also a Multi-fandom lover, and into alot of different fandoms.
(Feel free to join our server ig)