Welcome to the OTPH Show (Back up channel) Raw steel and sex appeal gravy train on biscuit wheels. I'm your host Scott Laffond. The OTPH Show is a comedic news commentary/reactionary America-first talk show that covers a wide range of topics, including Politics, A2, Economy, Environment, Health, Education, Pop-culture, Sports, and more all across New Hampshire, New England, our Nation and the world. Here at the OTPH Show anything goes, nothing's off limits, and if you offend easy... we have a simple motto: KEEP SCROLLING!
So, join Me and my cousin Dave with our unique style of uncensored reporting and news commentary, every Thursday at 8 PM and Sundays at noon for our live show on X, YouTube, and Rumble. Get ready for a different kind of news here at The OTPH Show. Please consider following me on all my social media, support our sponsors. All links are listed below. Thank you for your love and support and we'll see you on the next one.