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Yow yow Jenlisa! I have nothing to tell you. I'm just a rand

3 years ago - 44 likes

Yow, yow Jenlisa! It's been awhile! So for those who were still waiting for a new episode. Good news! It's coming soon UwU Thank you everyone for reminding me to work harder and not to give up on it. Stay safe! Saranghae <3

4 years ago - 37 likes

Quick spoilers!!! I won't take long to finish it. I promise! Stay healthy, stay safe 💗 Saranghae!

4 years ago - 52 likes

Yow, Yow Jenlisa! I finally finished episode 13!!!! I'm gonna post it tomorrow since I just need to fix an audio. You guys wanted Jenlisa Discord server so I have made one. Feel free to join and communicate!

4 years ago - 6 likes

What do you guys think about Discord server for my subscribers? There could chat blinks about bunch of stuff. Also I might post some photos what am I creating. You guys could give me some ideas and MAYBE I'll even do a giveaway 😎

4 years ago - 32 likes

Hey guys! I missed you all <3 It's been awhile. If you guys thought that I gave up then all of you are wrong XD I know that I haven't uploaded for like 2-3 months O-O BUT I have some good and bad news. First of all I'M SORRY but I can't upload next episode. It's not ready yet because I was busy making "something". Y'all wonder what is that "something"? I was making new intro!! Wooohooo!!!!! Down here you can see my new story thumbnail which took me awhile to make as well. I was sitting FOR HOURS trying to make it as beautiful as possible. If you want me to post new intro for my new story called "Will you look for me?" comment down bellow. Also I don't know if I should leave my old story behind since I still have some plans for it. So my new story will be released after I finish my old one unless you guys really want me to do both at the same time or leave my old story behind and forget about it. I'm not going to spoil a lot about new story but I can promise you guys that it will be WAY different from other stories or maybe I just haven't read many jenlisa fanfictions. "Will you look for me" might be a little dark and confusing at first but I hope that everything will go smoothly. Ok I guess that's all! Leave a like if you read everything because I don't believe that someone will take his/her time to read all of this :D Saranghae <3

4 years ago - 67 likes

Hiya! Long time no see! I'm sorry for not uploading or posting. I know It's been ages since I uploaded a new episode, but I can't do anything about it. I've been fighting with myself and fixing plot which is even more confusing. To finish next episode it might take a week or less (maybe few days). Comment down below who is still waitting for a next episode because I wouldn't be surprised if you all forgot about me. Sometimes I don't even remember my own story XD. Anyways thank you for taking your time to read this. Saranghae <3

4 years ago - 141 likes

Yow, yow JENLISA! Let's finish exams and long wait with a brand new Jenlisa episode! For those who are still waitting I have a good news . I'm gonna post it tomorrow. Exams are over, school (sadly) isn't over but who cares? :D Also I want to thank you all! My Jenlisa episode 10 blew up! I think you guys cracked the Youtube. I can't find episode 10 in my videos list. Atleast it's not blocked in any of the countries. So if you also can't find episode 10 I'm giving a link to it : I'm really sorry that it took me almost 1 month to upload, but I hope that no one will stop to move forward. Huge THANK YOU again! Saranghae <3

4 years ago - 101 likes

Hey! If you guys are wondering why it takes me ages to upload the best episode the answer is simple. I have sooooo many exams. I wrote one yesterday and another one is on Monday. And the third one is coming soon. I'm really exhausted. Also I'm a little bit fighting with myself because I cant decide the storyline. Sometimes I'm thinking that this story has no ending. I'm not planning to finish it soon. But who knows? Maybe I should... Or maybe I'm just overthinking. So I'm very sorry about everything... Thank you all for support! Saranghae <3

5 years ago - 76 likes

Yow, yow JENLISA! So guys I wanted to tell you all that I'm still working on the next episode. I made like half of it even though it feels like I just started. Sorry for the wait! It might take me few days to finish it because I have a lot of homework (especially today 😔) So I decided to spoil a little with this screenshot. Stay tuned! Love you all my fellas! Saranghae <3

5 years ago - 97 likes

Hello! I'm super excited to tell you guys that we reached 1k subscribers! You guys are amazing! I'm really grateful for all the support! Each and every comment gives me strength to work harder and harder every time. I know you guys are waiting for the next episode, but I can't post it right now. I'm working on it and I promise that I'm gonna work on it whole day so you guys can watch it as soon as possible. So I just wanted to say HUGE THANK YOU! Blinks are awesome! Love you all! Saranghae <3