June 8th 2024 Marked Our 1st Year Anniversary & for that we are honored to have entertained you Globally
Update: This Upcoming Summer Will Be A Dedication To Our Supporters Across The Globe 🫶🏾
83 years old and still going strong, we decided to create this channel to share our grandfather with the world as he struggles with his diagnoses of dementia on a daily basis. He is full of energy, rage, jokes, sarcasm and guaranteed to make you laugh on your worst days on just about anything he says. While it hasn't been easy at all caring for him the past 2 years, it’s these pivotal comical ASF moments that were sharing with you on this journey that makes it all worth the while. Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you're ready to be entertained because your new favorite Pawpaw has arrived. Like!!! Share!!! Comment!!! & Subscribe!!! To stay updated on Pawpaw John and his world!!! Content will be posted 6 days a week. Enjoy!!!