Jyoti Media: Embarked as the media venture of Khrist Jyoti Province, Punjab – Rajasthan of the Little Flower Congregation (CST Fathers), Jyoti Media tries to enkindle the dying out humanitarian flames in the lantern of human heart reverberating the same creative spell that dawned the world, “Let there be light”.
Jyoti Media is actively present in the field from 2019 creating a unique profile of itself amidst a mass litter of scrap media. It creatively responds to an exigency to comply with the challenges and concerns of our time strictly upholding to the Christian values in a largely material world.
In this age of digitalized virtual world, to preserve humanitarian values is the ultimate challenge and duty of each and every Christian. Jyoti Media will definitely hold forth the supreme values written down in the human hearts. After all it’s a matter of making the world better than yesterday.