Hey there!👋 Ever wondered what's in the products you put on your skin? Never? Well, I'm here to tell you that you should care to know. If you've tried various products already and are still unsatisfied with the results, then it's time to turn over a new leaf and become an educated skincare consumer.
Welcome to my channel! I'm Jacinta, an industrial chemist, formulator-in-the-making, and the proprietor of Mellabeam Beauty. Mellabeam is a science-based skincare brand with the aim of giving you a very deep understanding of the ingredient science of skincare.
Simply put, my goal is to educate you about the best products with the right ingredients to use on your skin (especially for your stubborn skincare issues). Merging my passion for both skincare and chemistry, and also my prior beauty industry experience, I believe I can bring care back into skincare. With consistency and transparency, we can embark on your new journey towards a more beautiful and confident you, together.