Hi everyone, I’m Ken Standfield from CTKSMethod.org and CryptoTradingKS.
If you're new, a very warm welcome and welcome back, CTKS Family.
To help you see where smart money is buying and selling, I invented the CTKS Method based on my 35+ years of experience in financial markets. Unlike many on YouTube, I am Degree-qualified in finance and wrote books on Finance 20 years ago. I'm a former lecturer in Statistics and a Core Developer of Technical Analysis. For this reason, you'll find insights here that you'll not find anywhere else.
After three brain surgeries and another unexpected hospitalization, I wanted to pay it forward and share my secrets with those who show dedication, commitment, and a desire to be more of a financial and emotional blessing to themselves and those they love. I'm here to help, and I want you to succeed.
I do NOT manage other people's money.
Your learning is your earning.