😃Road to 2.5K subscribers!😁
⚡️Roblox user: CoolLighthouse⚡️
I love planes!
I’m an a plane YouTuber! Get it? Plain
I have some awesome pics and videos
Some are 🤮🤢
Hope u enjoy!
Fav planes⬇️
Sub goals⬇️
1. 50✅
2. 75✅
3. 100✅
4. 150✅
5. 200✅
6. 250✅
7. 300✅
8. 350✅
9. 400✅
10. 450✅
11. 500✅
12. 600✅
13. 700✅
14. 800✅
15. 900✅
16. 1000✅
17. 1.25K✅
18. 1.5K✅
19. 2K✅
20. 3K
21. 4K
22. 5K
23 7.5K
24. 10K
25. 15K
26. 20K
27. 30K
28. 40K
29. 50K
30. 75K
31. 100K
32. 150K
33. 200K
34. 350K
35. 500K
36. 750K
37. 1M
38. 1.5M
39. 2M
40. 3M
41. 5M
42. 7.5M
43. 10M
44. 15M
45. 20M
46. 30M
47. 40M
48. 50M
49. 75M
50. 100M
Hope u enjoy Invercargill aviation