I'll miss you Selina/Cora.
HII I’m Cloudly! My discord is cloudly4266. my Roblox is FlowrXGxrl and Adorablyrblxx! 💞 my online bffs are Kensi, Ari, Jade, Dia, Cora, Snow, Stars4pooks and my sister!
You can call me whatever u want! My discord group is
you can talk to me on there and lots of my friends! You can also invite people to :3
Things about cloudly?💞
I love this game callled Steal time from others and be the best/ Stfoabtb! It’s really fun! Also, sometimes I play adopt me, ftap, mm2, blade ball, murders vs sheriffs!, spray paint, buddy buddy, Sorcerer Battlegrounds, War of Guesa, zombie attack, and lots more! I hope we become good friends! <3
My birthday is October 20th.