Welcome to Blended Hearts Homestead! Shannon here, and together with Jason, we have a blended family of seven, with our children ranging in ages from 24 to 3.
When the pandemic hit, God put it on our hearts to be self-sufficient. We began with six chickens and a garden. We had our ups and downs in the beginning, with a huge downer being the total loss of our barn in a fire. Big lesson learned, but we moved on and continued down the path we felt called for. Now our little farm has 18 hens, 4 goats, and 2 pigs - (with some piglets on the way!). We're expanding our garden and I'm diving into herbs this year with many ideas for healing salves and other tinctures.
Our goal is to provide for our family, but also to be a source of natural food and other items for our community.
Please join us as we journey down this road, the struggles and joys that come with it, tips and tricks we discover, and learn together about what the Lord has given us stewardship over.