Urgent Notice Youtube has stop monetizing the Stevations channel. Youtube says the reason is content guidelines but does not specify. The viewers of my channel love my content with over 5 million views. I have not had a community or copyright strike in years. Since I spend so much time and money to bring my videos to youtube viewers I will have to suspend new videos soon and pursue other interests. My income is near the poverty level, so if someone wants to contribute to help me start up a separate website for my videos then let me know. To bring these videos to you without compensation is costing me too much time and money if I won't be compensated by youtube from their ads. Funny how they will allow my content on youtube and put ads for others but won't compensate me. It seems like a contradiction. MY CHANNEL IS A HISTORIC MUSEUM OF BROADCASTING. IS ALLOWED UNDER LAW PASSED BY CONGRESS TO BENEFIT SOCIETY. I should be compensated by ads to defray my expenses.