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Spring Tide Readings

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Welcome to Spring Tide Readings. My name is Christina & I h

Spring Tide Readings
10 months ago - 14 likes

I don't know who needs to hear this but my team said this morning, "You are not a victim. You are a survivor." They said that being a survivor is something to be proud of because being a victim doesn't move you forward.

Spring Tide Readings
10 months ago - 9 likes

Hi everyone. Wanted to let you know that I had a major heart attack 4 weeks ago. I was alone in the house and came to after passing out, slumped over sitting on the bed. I was aware of what was going on for about an hour, it was terrifying and incredibly painful. All I could think to do is grab my stuffed koala (thank you ‪@skippinginastraightjacket‬ who sent him from Australia) and massage my chest in little circles. I really didn't know what else to do but externally massage the heart. Thought for sure (this is becoming all too regular) that these were the last breaths I was going to take.

This lead me to the hospital where they gave me two units of blood because my iron levels were half what they should be. Body still won't hold iron for some reason. My blood pressure hovers around 234/111 which is crazy high to which the medical staff just says "wow.". I'm resting and taking it one day at a time. Had a bad reaction to the transfusion. I did tell the NHS about the symptoms but as far as medical treatment goes, it's not only limited but so insanely unprofessional that my cousin and I agree it's just not up to the job. No treatments have been offered anyway even though staff kept saying they didn't know how I was still alive. The whole experience has been madness.

One day at a time and focus on getting home. It's all I can do.

I hope you all are okay and coping. Been thinking about you loads but I honestly didn't think you would mind me taking the time off. I really didn't have a choice this time. Thank you so much for sticking around. We'll be back together soon. I love you loads. Be safe out there.

Spring Tide Readings
1 year ago - 7 likes

This is the "S" on the sign I saw in the reading about the missing boy. The sign is distinctive, carved from wood but machine made. There are rolled grooves through the whole sign creating a backdrop wherever the letters aren't present. There is also a medium blue colour in the letters as a highlight.

Spring Tide Readings
1 year ago - 13 likes

I love you Collective and hope you are finding some peace today.

Spring Tide Readings
1 year ago - 13 likes

My cousin started this Go Fund Me campaign a while ago but we never knew really what to do with it. We were just hoping it would get spotted on the Go Fund Me website but with so many others in need, it gets lost.

If you could take a moment to share this it may well save my life. I am incredibly grateful for any help that I can get and sincerely thank you from the depths of my soul.

Spring Tide Readings
1 year ago - 11 likes

I have started a new channel where I will share my experiences, documenting and making some record of the things that have happened here in the UK. It feels important that I don't pass away without anyone knowing the horrors that the services have put me through because of descrimination. Crimes that as of yet have been left unanswered for. Hopefully, this will shine light on these dark events to prevent anyone else being punished for their nationality, economic situation, religious beliefs, abuse suffered and gender (or for any other reason). Justice sometimes needs a helping hand.

Spring Tide Readings
1 year ago - 16 likes

I really don't like having to leave these messages for you. Early Friday morning, I had a cardiac episode. It was one of the scariest things I've ever been through. Saturday morning feeling so desperate for relief, I started looking at going to Switzerland to die with dignity having given up on getting home for medical treatment. I can't afford Switzerland either as it turns out. Since all that, I've had dizzy spells and temporary blindness which is incredibly scary. My cousin asked if I had gloves on because my skin is so pale. Lips as usual are blue. I will keep going to get readings out but I'm trying to recover. Please don't worry, if you have paid for a personal, I will deliver and will absolutely not let you down. Hope you all are coping and even better, I hope you are enjoying life. I love you guys.

Spring Tide Readings
1 year ago - 12 likes

Spring Tide Readings
1 year ago - 16 likes

Rest in peace Tina Turner. To me you were the Queen of music and will always be remembered as simply the best.

Spring Tide Readings
1 year ago - 15 likes

Thank you to the mystery gifter who donated a new deck to our readings. I'm so happy with them and am grateful for the time, effort and care you took to send them. Absolutely beautiful. Hope you have a wonderful day, whomever you are.