Hello everyone! I am ma'am Winnie, a 61 yr. old high school teacher at Galutan National High School here in our province in Catarman Northern Samar. I'm an English major and teaches Grade 9 English. Most of our students here in our school came from a poor family. They rarely have money to buy snacks and most of the time they don't have food for lunch. They also come to school walking or ride on a boat to get to school. I have a very soft heart for my students. I'm doing my best to help them in anyway i can. But, i don't have the means so, i did this youtube channel as a way to help them when i get monetized. At the same time, i can show to the world my talent. I really love singing. This is my bread and butter when i was younger. I also use this talent to get the attention of my students when they get bored during classes. So, I would like to ask all of you to support my channel. Thank you in advance!!!