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Filipa Canelas

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I help you create better content, build and grow your busine

Filipa Canelas
1 week ago - 4 likes

Your LinkedIn profile is your landing page.

(better profile = higher conversions)

3 core sections:

01/ Headline + Banner
02/ Featured Section
03/ About Section

If you get these three right, you have a higher chance of:

+ increase awareness
+ nurture a relationship
+ close a deal

Free Notion template here πŸ‘‰

Filipa Canelas
2 weeks ago - 4 likes

Here's the marketing tip that best helped me grow with content:


People need to see or hear your message thousands of times.


- Group 1 doesn't know they need you
- Group 2 needs you but isn't ready
- Group 3 is more than ready πŸ€‘

The only way to appeal to every group at the same time is through repetition.


Repeat the same message from dozens of different angles, formats, hooks, & stories.

By the time they're ready to buy, they know who to pick!

Filipa Canelas
2 weeks ago - 3 likes

β€œI follow your content religiously.”

That's how 90% of my discovery calls start.


My content helps me skip most steps because I've built trust.


- Clients feel they know me when we meet.
- I don't spend time convincing them to buy.
- They immediately want to start with me.

And I'm eternally grateful to be working with such smart founders and their kick-ass marketing teams...

just because of my content.


What if this could become your reality?

Filipa Canelas
2 weeks ago - 3 likes

Write this in your hooks to generate more followers and revenue.

It's called the whisper technique.

I use it with both my brand and the tech founders I work with.

It will help you to:

-> attract your ideal buyers.
-> grow your following.
-> build your authority.

In today’s email, I'll be showing you:

- The whisper technique to improve your hooks
- The lazy vs smart approach (both work)
- How to easily implement it today

This will hit your inbox in just a couple of hours.

So sign up now πŸ‘‡πŸ»

Filipa Canelas
2 weeks ago - 3 likes

Jan: 10 discovery calls
April: 4 discovery calls 😭

Am I failing miserably?

It depends on how you measure success.

-If you measure success by no. of leads, I failed.

-If you measure success by no. of qualified leads + closed deals + close rate, I did not fail.

I’ve closed the exact same number of clients with 10 discovery calls as I did with just 4.

Jan: close rate = 20%
April: close rate = 50%

I work following the same principles with my clients.

We don’t focus on stacking up "any kind of lead" that just eats up their time or their sales team time.

Instead, we focus on building their brand and their reputation with organic content. This translates into qualified leads over time. But to be honest, it goes beyond leads and closed deals 🀫

So, yeah -- if you give me the option, I’ll gladly take fewer calls and more closed deals ;)

Filipa Canelas
3 weeks ago - 7 likes

The LinkedIn Growth Cheatsheet you need to follow!

Subscribe here for weekly content growth tips (in under 5min/week):

Filipa Canelas
3 weeks ago - 4 likes

"Your services aren't for everyone.”

Well, your content isn't for everyone either...

Just because you're sharing valuable, educational content, doesn't mean everyone should take the time to read it.

And that's okay!!!
(the ego hates it though)

Instead, aim for this:

β€’ Content that speaks to your target audience.
β€’ addresses their problems.
β€’ helps them reach their goals.

Here's a quick tip to help people figure out if your content is for them πŸ‘‡πŸ»

I write about [topic] for [audience] to help them [objective].

Then, leave it.

You don't need (or want) everyone reading your stuff.

Filipa Canelas
3 weeks ago - 2 likes

You no longer need to 'outwork' other content pieces to win.

Generative AI made it easier to generate:

- thousands of additional words.
- an infinite number of stock photos.
- h7’s that nobody can keep track of.

Quantity - for the sake of quantity - is no longer a competitive advantage.

Instead, make sure you outwork other content pieces based on:

+ creativity
+ point-of-view
+ unique & curated data

That's where you can shine.

Filipa Canelas
4 weeks ago - 4 likes

Want to know why you're not closing more deals?


Most sales don't happen because prospects don't act.

-They don't pick your competitors.
-They don't change their minds.
-They don't do it themselves.

They simply do nothing and maintain the status quo.

And this is where building your social presence is a huge advantage.

With each content asset, you have the opportunity to send a friendly reminder of what they're missing out on.

With each reminder, you increase your chances of:

-staying top of mind.
-inspiring them to take action.
-picking you over the competition.

Remember, the secret to winning the battle against inaction is about:

β€’ persistence.
β€’ relevancy.
β€’ credibility.

Fight your prospects' inaction with a strong brand.

Filipa Canelas
1 month ago - 4 likes

When people think about marketing, they immediately start acting in a freaky way.


"Oh, I'm crafting content on LinkedIn and investing resources? Everyone needs to convert into leads ASAP!"


"I've been creating Youtube content for two weeks, and I only got 200 views? This sucks!”

They don’t act like this in real life.

When you meet someone, you don't expect them to become a client on the spot - just because they saw you, right?

No, instead:

-You engage in a conversation
-You nurture the relationship.
-You show them your offer.

This often takes months!!!

So let's step back for a moment.

Organic marketing isn't a vending machine where you insert your $$ and collect the immediate reward.
Don't get me wrong.

I'm not arguing against measuring ROI.

But be more flexible about the ways you think about generating value. It serves us better!