I'm just an Unsettling Yeti lost in the city, trying to blend in with humans. I found my love for makeup while locked inside my house with my partner she still helps with the graphic line work. I'm still a novice to the makeup world(4yrs), but my whole story ID on my Twitch (affiliated) page. I have an issue with collecting makeup palettes like trading cards but have narrowed down some of my favorites. I did get lucky enough to get a deal with a lovely indie makeup brand called Kitty Coquette with a forever code for 10% off (UNSETTLINGYETI10!)(favs). I have a promo code with GameBeauty with up to 10% off your order(UNSETTLINGYETI). Other favs include all things Sephora, Winky Lux, Nomad Cosmetics, Oden's eye cosmetics, etc. Unfortunately, I've been busy with life this past year, but I still try to post my makeup looks. I do for work on Instagram