Our passion is actually RESOLVING chronic pain / symptoms such as Migraine, Fibromyalgia (FM), Cervical Dystonia(CD) and unrelenting headaches for which the Medical world only has drug therapy or other methods to mask the symptoms...as well as Jaw locking, jaw pain, pain when chewing, unexplained tooth pain that are the symptoms of Temporo Mandibular Dysfunction (TMD) or TMJ disorders. Through Physiologic Neuromuscular Dentistry (PNMD) we have been able to CORRECT jaw/neck/head alignment which often is the STRUCTURAL discrepancy that leads to these various symptoms that are labelled as 'incurable neurological disorders'. When the jaw is misaligned, it affects neck vertebrae which in turn affects the blood flow to the brain & puts tension on the Dura Mater covering the brain. This misalignment is correctable through PNMD without surgeries. It is probably hard to believe. But these case history videos show actual patients that we have treated from all over USA and beyond.