I love checking out new houses/apartments.. Over my free time or randomly, l window shop new apartments - its my therapy... On decorating homes, I usually have an urge of peeping homes just to get a sneak peek on their decorating ideas, get more ideas and not copy - Hahaha. I already have the design of my future home in my head - Hahaha!
I stay for hours watching house hunters or scrolling on Pinterest and/or houzz for more and more home decoration ideas. (One day, they will sponsor my channel AMEN!)
My sister, helped me come up with the name - Find your space after l told her of the concept -Thank You sissy.. And l opened the channel on May 2019. Procrastination got me for a good 7months - WOW YVONNE! But, in November 2019, I had my first video.
I'm a little rusty on my videos but l'm working on getting better. Please subscribe to this channel and let's build and enjoy this content that is more of a DREAM COME TRUE to me.. WELCOME ALL and may the hunt begin..