The Authentic Truth
The Authentic Truth is designed by the author to add to a considerable amount of new information we are receiving from, in the world today, regarding the Besorah (gospel) of Yahuah Messiah. we can find several channels on YouTube that are exposing the true name of our creator: and names of other important people, places, events we read about in the English version bibles. Although I'm a small voice. My hope is to give extended variation of what I've researched from books and other channels. I believe these channels have done a wonderful job declaring and exposing less truths, which have been taught for centuries. I have subscribed to other channels, and have been considering doing work within, but I fill Yahuah is leading me to add a voice to what is already being spread.
Many are called, but few choose the truth and the teachings of the Ruach Ha Qadesh (Holy Spirit).