We are Joe & Jen, Twin Flames having met 8/8/2003 in a 180 degree life intervention. This launched an 18 year, and counting Spiritual Journey of what has been for 11 years now, Remembrance. Awakening/Self Awareness, Ascension, Enlightenment... these terms correctly have a place in the process of One's Spiritual Journey. However, enlightenment is but a rung leading to Remembrance. Then the Journey really begins... We have wanted to share this Journey with you since 2008, and launched a website sharing channeled information, ascension symptom relief, readings and more... however, Spirit had other ideas - another 11 years here we are! (Book Series Coming Soon!)
Why Now? - It's "Just THAT Time" We Love You! We are HERE for You! We have much to share, plan to make it all fun, informational and helpful! Please comment, ask questions, make requests! We want your input! What DO you Want to Know as a Collective? What do you want from this channel, our Patreon Memberships, website?